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Hablo Por Pablo


​Pablo Picasso is one of the greatest artists on the modern stage; however, few people know the significance of his painting and background story. Picasso at the vanguard of contemporary art, prices cannot define his artistic value. Picasso had four significant art periods: Blue, Rose, Surrealism, and Cubism. During these different periods, he had various art styles. One of the most famous works of Guernica not only expressed the dirtiness of the war but also drew Picasso into political fields.

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About Me

Hi, I am Yueyu Shi, an international student came from a small city in China. People instead call me Sam because my first name is too difficult to pronounce. For my last name, to make the shi sound, try to pronounce the English word "shirt," but stop right as you get to the "r" sound. I am about to attend Brandeis University to explore the more fantastic world. My major choice is psychology, yet art is still my main thing; I will never give up on that and create more valuable works in the future!

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